Sunday, September 21, 2008

Taking The Mick

It's a beautiful Sunday morning here and my day, despite having a headache for no apparent reason , just got off to an amusing start.

Reading the Daily Post website I see that ex-Manchester United player Mickey Thomas had his car pinched outside Anfield last week after commentating on the Liverpool/Man. U. game.

Mickey's a colourful character and imagining him wandering around 'enemy territory' scratching his dome, looking for his motor, makes me laugh.

Even funnier though, he's appealed to the 'good' people of Mersyside to come forward with any info regarding his cars current whereabouts. Yeah, righto Mickey, that's likely to happen! Talk about wasting your breath!

Scousers may be good at 'liberating' stuff, but are also renowned for not dobbing their mates in, particularly if the victim of the felony is a former United player who himself is not adverse to a bit of gaining personal wealth through illegal means.


Nick said...

Craig.. Read the sun dated 26/9/08 regarding Micky Thomas's car! it was never robbed, he was lookin for it down the wrong street, it was in the next one! most probley pissed!!!

Craig said...

Yeah so I read, what a clown!