Monday, May 19, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Cor blimey guv'nor, it was freezing here this morning.

Perhaps I'm turning into a nesh Aussie, feeling the cold more acutely than your average former northern hemisphere resident. The radio said it was five degrees, but it felt lower to me. It was really foggy and overcast too. Very reminiscent of a cold, late October morning back home.

The girls still wore their shorts to school, as did most of the kids I saw when I dropped them off there.

I'm playing the part of Mr. Mum again, as the wife left for Melbourne at the unearthly hour of four o'clock in the morning. This time it's for the full week too.

I used to do this sort of thing regularly back home, but it's much easier these days. The girls do a lot more for themselves. I used to have to do their hair, that was the worst bit. It used to take about fifteen minutes per head of hard labour and at the end of it they still looked like they'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

Given that I've been sporting an inverted mohican for the last few years, it's hardly surprising that I'm no black belt when it comes to hair styling. I use a flannel when I need to tidy my barnet up.

Hair was a fleeting visitor during the early part of my life, and a nuisance at that, attracting girls and the like. I'm glad it's gone. Things are simpler now.

And, nowadays, the girls take care of their own hair. They do a pretty good job too, saving me time and them ridicule.

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