Friday, November 16, 2007

A World Away

I've felt, of late, that I've turned a corner with regard to homesickness.

I still think about home regularly, but it doesn't hurt as much as it did. The events of this week, however, have made me think again.

Pauline's dad has been hospitalized after a fall at home. He's on the mend, but we're still worried.

The distance between us and our loved ones seems all the more apparent in a situation like this.

People say the world's a small place and you can be anywhere in a day. That's true idealistically, but, realistically, unless you own a private jet, things are a little trickier to say the least.

We want to be there to support Pauline's mum in anyway we can, but we can't and it hurts. We can phone and email but it's not the same as a visit and a hug.

We knew a situation like this would arise sooner or later. You always hope for later but we don't call the shots. All we can do is hope.

Get well soon, Danny Rhyl. We're thinking of you.

1 comment:

jenu said...

That's no good. Hope everything is okay