Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fred's Dead

Well, my week of being a single parent is nearly over.

Tomorrow, after work, me and the girls head down to Melbourne to meet up with the wife. We're having the weekend there. We're going to the Olympic gymnastic trials. We went to the swimming trials while we were in Sydney at Easter and the girls loved it.

This week hasn't been easy. It's the lack of freedom that I struggle with, you're chained to the house really. Last night was the first State of Origin game of the year and I would have loved to have watched it down the boozer, but, instead, watched it at home with the girls. They enjoyed it though, which was nice. They're getting into the rugby league now, especially Robyn.

We've also managed to let both of our remaining pets die during the wife's absence. Robyn discovered her pet lizard, Fred, dead in his converted former ice-cream tub yesterday morning and, tonight, when we got back from swimming - oddly enough - our goldfish had stopped swimming and was also brown bread.

We're having a double funeral tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the problem with your pets was that you was concentrating on the Rugby League and did not show them any love and care . I personly am in charge of the C.T.L.A.G.F.society ,(cruelty to lizards and goldfish) and quite regually sit down and chat for long hours to my goldfish and lizards i feel that you should do the same to get the maximum joy out of your scaley pets .