Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dude Looks Like a Lady

NYE was a good night out. A good old-fashioned knees-up in several of the towns pubs, all of which hold special memories for me and the wife, collected down the years. A fitting end to our involvement in Rhyls New Years celebrations, as residents at least.

Fancy dress was, once again, on the slide although there was still plenty around. Possibly in the region of twenty per cent of revellers had donned costume for the big night. There were some good ones too - the most outstanding being the young lad in the Esp, who looked resplendent in his blazer, tie and slacks, only to turn around to reveal the back cut out of his rig showing his mums shocking pink bra and knickers.

This time next year, if everything goes to plan, we'll be seeing out the old and welcoming in the new in sunnier climes - Albury, NSW to be exact. The house gets measured by the estate agents this week then it's up for grabs. When it's gone so are we...

1 comment:

jenu said...

NYE in Albury..ho hum. He he now I feel bad, the great lake for fishing and waterskiing? All but dried up...doh!

They think the drought will break in March though so fingers crossed.